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Maternal Love

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In Honor

I am dedicating this page to my own mother, "Diane," she will always live in a very special part of my heart. Thank you for caring and loving me though all the rocky days and nights, up that long road. I couldn't have done it without you.

Love always, Your daughter

The gift of lIfe is a wonderful thing

~ Motherhood ~

"If It Was Going To Be Easy,
It Never Would Have Started With Something
Called "Labor!"

But, that's what Motherhood is ... "A Labor Of love." Even in spite of all the "Joys of Motherhood" I've encountered, it's still the greatest joy that I've ever known.

There is a legend that says that since God could not be physically present amongst all His people at all times, He created Mothers to take His place. Looking at the smile of the face of a Mother as she looks at her baby explains it all very clearly.

As we age, we begin to realize the value of a mother's love and the enormous depth of her commitment to us. No other relationship we form can ever be as close or profound as that with our mothers.

Every human being carries with him or her the seal of "Maternal Love." We always remember the maternal tenderness which is very hard to remove from the heart. Even when we grow old, there remains the distant memories and the strong desire to see our Mothers once again.


Walking with angels, I do it every day
My guardian angel is with me, come what may
Assigned by God and sent to watch over you
He's with you each day, no matter what you do
You don't believe, you don't think this is so
He guards each step you take, he wants you to know
Ever been close to death, just one step away
And then you say, boy was I ever lucky today
Luck didn't do it, whether you realize it or not
Protected in his arm's, the Lord has not forgot
You don't believe, you don't think this is so
He guards each step you take, he wants you to know
More times than you know, death does knock
But your angel will protect, if your planted firmly on the rock
The next time you come close, take a good look around
He may be right next to you or no where to be found
You don't believe, you don't think this is so
He guards each step you take, he wants you to know
You may or may not see him, but he's alway's there
Remember that the next time you miss death by a hair
Do you need an angel, do you know where to look
All the promises are given, just read in God's book
You don't believe, you don't think this is so
He guards each step you take, he wants you to know
The minute you are saved, you're assigned an angel of your own
He will see you through, till God calls you home
On that day he will step foward and take your hand
He will lead you through the gate, home to the promise land
You don't believe, you don't think this is so
He guards each step you take, he loves you, you know