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Poems of Angels

Maternal Love

An Angel's Hug

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In Honor


As I grew up, I wondered
About so many things.
I wondered where the winds come from
And how the small bee stings.

I also wondered, if God lived.
And if so, where He stayed.
I wondered where He bought His food.
And if so, what He paid.

I wondered if He really lived.
And, did He care for me?
I wondered if He watched my life
And just how that could be.

Now that many years have passed.
I've learned some things, at last;
Things about the birds and bees.
I learned them pretty fast.

For some other things, I had to search
To find the illusive truth.
And although to me they finally came,

'Twas long past my youth.
I learned, through my experiences,
That 'yes, God really lives'.
He loves and cares and hears my prayers.
Answers He always gives.

I've learned His angels are around.
They've come to comfort me.
They've shared with me our Father's love.
The truth they've helped me see.

These angels are His messengers.
They're sent with His great love.
They're all around us every day.
They're not just up above.

So when you feel that warmth inside,
When trials come your way ...
It's probably an Angel's hug.
Be grateful as you pray.

Hugs From Heaven

When you feel a gentle breeze
Caress you when you sigh
It's a hug sent from Heaven
From a loved one way up high.

If a soft and tender raindrop
Lands upon your nose
They've added a small kiss
As fragile as a rose.

If a song you hear fills you
With a feeling of sweet love
It's a hug sent from Heaven
From someone special up above.

If you awaken in the morning
To a bluebird's chirping song
It's music sent from Heaven
To cheer you all day long.

If tiny little snowflakes
Land upon your face
It's a hug sent from Heaven
Trimmed with Angel lace.

So keep the joy in your heart
If you're lonely my dear friend
Hugs that are sent from Heaven
A broken heart will mend.

Friends Are Like Angels

Our friends are like angels who brighten our
days in all kinds of wonderful, magical ways ~
Their thoughtfulness comes as gifts from above,
And we feel we're surrounded by warm, caring love.
Like upside-down rainbows, their smiles bring the sun
And they fill ho-hum moments with laughter and fun,
Friends are like angels without any wings
Blessing our lives with the most precious things.
With a small kiss and a big hug, we will be able to do anything together.